Mikelwj Mikelwj - Smile Little Princess

Smile little princess, things get better
And if you don't trust me look at the weather
It's better, in summer, than in winter
Smile little princess
You've seen darker
Everyone knows that they set the marker down
Higher, than it should of been
And I'm here to fix it all now

I understand the struggle that you go through on the daily
Parents argue constantly, and brothers acting crazy
You're slowly losing grip with your touch on reality
You're numb and you're broken, it's honestly a tragedy
Another good soul's been broken by our society
And I speak on behalf of everyone who's sitting silently
You're so done with crying, you're so done with the hurt
You're so done with the boys who push you into the dirt
You feel so damn useless, just begging for a purpose
But little do you know, you still have yet to scratch the surface
See the reason your alive is fucking bigger than the earth is
So everything you do and you say should have a purpose
Don't cut, don't purge, be safe and find bliss
Thats all that these lyrics are saying about this
I'm here when you're sad, so you can be when I'm happy
It's still a long journey, but this life isn't shabby
So please

Smile little princess, I promise it will get better
You can't live with all of these sad thoughts forever
I mean, think of all of the things that can make you smile
Since I know your smile's been missing for quite a while
You gave everything you had and they said it wasn't enough
So now your sitting there in a corner since life is tough
You're looking for attention, you're begging for affection
You wonder if your life is going the right direction
Yeah, I know the feeling, I own property there
I just want it to be known in case you weren't aware
That people care, and you don't have to be alone
You're heart is a house, you need repairs on your home
Just laugh a little, live a little, cry a little, breathe
Those are the three basic things that supplement your grief
I promise that you'll make it, go a day at a time
And happiness will follow will follow in a parallel line